Taking your students to the next level

 We understand that career development is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Recognizing the unique journey of each student, we tailor our training programs to meet the diverse needs of traditional, non-traditional, and graduate students. Our comprehensive approach acknowledges the distinct challenges and aspirations these groups face on their career paths.

At the heart of our commitment lies the acknowledgment of the invaluable role that career services play in guiding students through their professional journey. However, we recognize that these dedicated professionals operate with limited resources. Despite their unwavering dedication, there's only so much they can do. Nevertheless, our mission is to bridge the gap by offering supplementary support and resources, ensuring that every student receives the guidance they need to thrive in their chosen career paths. 

According to the 2022 Student Survey Report by NACE Students gave themselves highest marks in teamwork, professionalism, and critical thinking and lowest marks in career and self-development, technology, and leadership. Conversely, employers cited technology as students’ strong point, followed by equity and inclusion.  With career and self-development being lowest this is where we, at The Niles Group can help. Our Escalate! Program is designed to take over where Career Services leaves off.  This modular based program can help give your students more career and self-development so they can land their ideal roles.  Together, let's embark on a journey of career development tailored to your unique path.        


Escalate! Is a modular based career development platform designed to provide tools and resources to teach and aid students in their careers. From the first time office experience to how to change careers this platform will help your students. We’ve designed for traditional, non-traditional and graduate students and modules can be chosen based on particular schools i.e., School of Business, School of Communication. There are also bonus modules on leadership topics like unconscious bias and handling micoragressions. 

Contact us for a Demo and pricing and see how Escalate! can help your students today. 

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How Else We Help 

At The Niles Group we can help train your career services teams and leadership, and assist with your DEI efforts. From workshops to recruitment strategies to coaching  to succession planning we are available to help transform your departments into more efficient teams.   

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